Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Mushrooms - Flavored with Dirt

One of the things I dislike most in the world are mushrooms.  I know there are many people who love them in all forms, I'm not one of them.  When we were first married Dominic decided that he was going to make me a convert on this particular food and he took to adding them to many dishes.  I called it mushroom hiding.  And the dang things were everywhere.  The problem was that if I said anything, he got upset because I didn't like the food.  Go figure.  Eventually he gave up and now he only puts fungus in hos own food.

My best mushroom like story was when my sister turned forty.  I took the entire family out for a nice lunch and Mari insisted on ordering the truffel fries.  Now once she had, she took one bite and that was it.  I made a point of asking her to eat them and actually tried one. Then I understood and wouldn't eat them either.  They tasted like they had bene flavored with dirt.  Heck it would have been so much easier if they'd have just added some mud form outside to the oil and been done with it.

So there you have it.  No fungus for me.   The only mushrooms I will eat are the marzipan ones Dominic makes for the Christmas Yule Log.